Recently I was reading in Revelation was about how Satan will be bound for 1,000 years so he cannot tempt anyone. Something I've been pondering lately is why didn't the Lord do this from the start? Why allow Satan the freedom to deceive His children? It hit me that the Lord has an awful lot of trust in this thing called the human race. Somehow He knows this process is for our betterment and refinement.
This passage was from the end of the Bible, so if we go way back to the beginning in Genesis, is it different?
In Genesis 3 notice that God has trusted Adam and Eve enough to not to micromanage them at every moment. He doesn't smother them every moment of every day. They are alone in the Garden and in that moment Satan decides to slide in and work his deception. It works. He makes them doubt God's goodness. Satan helps them start to want power for themselves. He may start it but the man and woman continue this lust for being greater than they are. But at what cost? As soon as they eat the fruit, they realize they are naked! They are vulnerable! How ghastly. They quickly cover themselves up so as not to feel shame at their nakedness, their vulnerability. And so all this hiding begins.
Notice as God comes walking through the Garden, does He shame them? No He asks questions, he called them out of hiding. They are the ones who continue to hide, even as they are invited out. They can't even handle being naked and vulnerable in God's presence. And He loves them enough to make clothes to cover them. To help them be comfortable in His presence, even if it puts a hindrance in their relationship.
They've screwed up big time and God isn't worried! He stays inquisitive and open, but they shut down and blame others instead of taking ownership for their part and admitting their stuff. It doesn't worry God. He isn't all of a sudden nervous because His creation didn't follow His instructions. He doesn't decide to micromanage and now make sure they follow the rules. Somehow, He knows it will all work out.
God held to the boundaries and sent the humans out of the Garden so they couldn't live forever in this state, which is really quite loving. But He didn't shut them out of relationship with Him. He kept trying to find ways to show them how He loved them and was waiting for them. He was and is willing to fill our deepest needs in ways only He can if we are willing to let Him and not be deceived by all the lures of the world.
I want to be like this. To trust the process. To stay open and inquisitive even when those around me shut me out. To set up boundaries, but yet to be there ready and waiting with open arms for when they are ready to open up, even when there is pain in the process. While I know I cannot do this perfectly as God does, and I won't fill the deepest needs of those that turn to me, I can learn my path by being open and inquisitive with myself. To trust the process of my path, even when it feels like I 'failed'. I feel a peaceful calm inside my soul as I contemplate this Simple Trust. That is what I desire. To stay calm when my world is shaking, knowing that God is charge of it all.
If as you try to journey along this journey of life you find yourself stuck, in pain, or unable to move forward, feel free to
contact me. I meet with individuals who desire to find deeper connection
with God in the circumstances in life, but things seem to get in the way of this connection. Feel free to contact me if
you are interested in an appointment or just to see if Inner Healing is a
fit for what you are needing right now. loriyoder (@) maplcitychapel (.) org