Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Step out of the Boat

In Matthew 14 we read the story of when Peter gets out of the boat and walks on the water to Jesus. Often we can give him a hard time. After all Peter starts to look at the storm all around and starts to sink, taking his eyes off Jesus. But really, can we give him some credit? How many disciples were in the boat? It doesn't say for sure, but let's say all of the core group are in there. If that's the case, eleven didn't get out. They didn't even ask Jesus if it would be possible to come meet Him on the water. I wonder did the thought even occur to them? They played it safe, they stayed nice and dry. So why is Peter the only one who gets the bum rap???

Peter takes a chance, a leap of faith. He has faith the size of a mustard seed and he acts. He's doing something new and exhilarating. But then all of a sudden he remembers where he is, on water with strong wind and waves, where one sinks. Peter's eyes are drawn to the impossibilities of what is all around him and he begins to sink.

I wonder if you'd be willing to enter into this story and see what does Jesus want to show you? There's this great website, pray-as-you-go.org, that has Imaginative Contemplation Exercises and this story just happens to be one! It's also an app you can download on your favorite device if that's easier for you. This helps you to enter the story rather than just read it. If you have the chance, I'd invite you to take some time to do this exercise right now.

Next take a look at life as it is in this moment and answer the following questions.

Where are you in this story in life right now?

Decide which path feels right to follow below.

Path #1
Have you stepped out of the boat?
If so, what are the things in your life right now, the impossibilities that are drawing your eyes off of Jesus?
What does Jesus say about those impossibilities?

Path #2
If you are still in the boat, what's keeping you there?
What's your position, are you crouched in fear, or maybe you are ready to jump out and join Peter? How are you feeling?
What does Jesus want to tell you as you are in the boat?

I'd love to hear how this experience was for you. Have you ever done anything like this before or was this your first time? Feel free to comment below sharing as much as you feel comfortable or for more privacy email me at loriyoder @ maplecitychapel . org all one, no spaces.

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